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Group Programmes

Train with a group for specific running distances:
5km, 10km and Half Marathons

Our group programmes help you achieve

specific running goals

Training with a group takes you 

to your next level

All our group programmes have everything you need for success



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All of our programmes are proven to make you successful

Coaches at

every session

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Coaches to guide you through your experience



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Specific education to help you achieve your goal 

A Group to

 Train with

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A group of people to share your journey with

To find out more read the choices below and click on 'Learn More' for the goal you want to achieve

5km programme: 8 weeks


Ideal for beginners who wants to run 5km for the first time 



Get up to Five is for someone who has never run before or someone who is looking to get back into running after an injury or time away from activity.


'I can't believe I've just ran 5km for the first time, this would never  have been possible without Get up to Five' - Jo 

10km programme: 8 weeks

For someone who is either looking to run their first 10km or improve their 10km time

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Club10k is for someone who can run around 3-5km but who wants to start increasing their distance or for someone who is wanting to improve their speed over the 10km distance.

'It made me stronger, physically and mentally. I feel fitter and have more faith in my own abilities.' - Candy

Half marathon programme: 10 weeks

For someone who is looking to do a Half Marathon, from first timers to advanced runners

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RaceTeam is for someone who is looking to run their first half marathon or looking to improve on their previous best.


'I have loved every minute of my Raceteam experience and have pushed myself harder that I thought I could.' - Rebecca



'Extra Mile Runners has changed my life'

'This may sound a bit melodramatic but is isn’t an exaggeration to say that EMR changed my life.  A little over a year ago, I was struggling with a series of trying years and a big weight gain following stopping smoking.  I clicked on the 'Get up to Five' programme more out of random desperation than any real belief that it was a doable goal for me.  


In 15 months I have come from running 30 seconds at a time to just completing my first Half Marathon. The key difference for me has been the structure and support from the Extra Mile Crew.


Everything was broken down into small, realistic goals and the group is just full of great people. From the close friends I’ve made to random encouragement from the ‘old hands’ but most of all from the wonderful coaches who are so helpful and encouraging.   


Being part of Extra Mile Runners has been an extraordinary experience for me. It’s helped me find my way out of a difficult time and to start being a better version of myself.  I’ve also had an absolute ball!'


- Karen Gillie

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