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Week 1 Newsletter
Here we go!

We are about to start

Welcome back. We love that you are back running with your team and keeping your running consistency going 😊

For some of you it will be about getting running back into your life, for others it will be about getting more comfortable with continuous running, and for others it's just about keeping moving with your mates. 

Over the next 8 weeks we are aiming to help you take that next step forward in your growth. 

So, welcome to the next level and your Week 1 newsletter, remember to read these each week as they include important infomation that you need as we progress through this journey together. 

Week 1 Sessions


  • Monday 28 August, 6.00am
    Meeting Point: Waitangi Park Playground
    ap of Meeting Point: Click here



Course Description:
Please run on the path at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast and be responsible for your own safety.​


  • After your strength circuit - we start our walk/jog sets

  • Run along the pathway towards Oriental Parade

  • At your turnaround time (refer to your programme), turnaround and reverse the course back to the start. 

Week 1 Section 1.png

Saturday's Course: Click on image to enlarge

This week's quick tip: 

'Keep the chart on the fridge. Tick off each day as you achieve. Be proud to tell people.'
- Pauline

Download your programme

Blue download folder

There are 4 different levels you can choose from: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Return. As you have done Get up to Five before, you probably want to look at either Advanced or Return. If, however you are coming back from an injury or have been away for a while, choose a level that feels safe and achievable for you right now. 

To access the different levels in the excel spreadsheet - click on the tabs with titles at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

We recommend you print off your programme and put it somewhere you see everyday - on the fridge, on the bathroom mirror, beside your desk. Tick off every session you complete. 

Strength Circuit

As normal, in Weeks 1-6 our coach will take you through a 20minute strength circuit at the beginning of your session. The exercises will be working the different areas of your body we use for running to help you engage the correct muscle groups.

Please bring a mat with you as some of the exercises are on the ground (you can buy inexpensive mats from Kmart, The Warehouse or Bunnings).

As a reminder, below is a video of the strength circuit exercises you will be doing at the beginning of each session in Weeks 1-3. In Weeks 4-6 we have a similar circuit but slightly condensed. Please take a look at the clip below to become familiar with them.  

Our coaches will be leading you through these exercises at the start of your Get up to Five sessions.


Reminders of how the sessions work

Roll Calls and On Time Starts

Please "check in" with the coach taking the Roll Call at every session. 

Strength Circuit

In Weeks 1-6 our coaches will take you through a strength circuit at the beginning of your session. The circuit takes approx 20 minutes (please bring a mat or towel as there are some exercises are done on the ground). You will then do your walk/jog section.

Walk/Jog Section

All of your sessions are 'out and back' runs. On your programme the "turnaround time" is stated for each session, you will run in one direction for that time then turnaround and come back in the same direction. For example if your total walk/jog time is 28 minutes, you will turn around at 14mins. It's important that you remember to bring a watch (and one that you can see!) to every run. 


During the weekday sessions we will take you through stretches at the end of your session then you are free to go. On Saturday sessions we have both our groups (Club10k also) finishing at different times so we ask that you do your own stretches and then you can head off and start your day!

Apps for your Sessions

There are several apps that you can use to programme your sets into your smartphone and it will beep (or talk to you) when you need to start your walk/jog sets. These apps are free to download and make life a lot easier!

Android Phones: Interval Timer


Apple Phones: Intervals - Interval Timer

Keys & Gear

We will have a key-bag at the session and look after your car keys, all other gear is your own responsibility. Bring warm layers for before and after the session.

Other News

  • Please be prepared for all types of weather!  Layers are a good idea, a windbreaker jacket and a towel in the car in case it is wet.  Please remember to bring a mat to the session.

  • Our journey begins, we can wait to watch your progress over the next 8 weeks.

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