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Foggy Mountains

Week 8 Newsletter


5km Time Trial #2

You have 3 weeks of RaceTeam Epic to go. Time to focus on these last 3 weeks and your consistency with your training. 

The Epic Half Marathon is a tough challenge both physically and mentally, you have prepared well so far - but every single session counts from here on until race day. Let's finish this off strong and stay focussed, stick to the plan and enjoy this last part of your Epic journey. 

This Wednesday you have your second 5km time trial.

Week 8 Sessions

  • Monday 12 August, 6.00am
    Meeting Point: South Hagley Park 

    Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
    HIIT/Track Session

  • Wednesday 14 August, 6.00am
    Meeting Point: Outside Zeroes Cafe, 81 Cashmere Road
    5km Hill Time Trial
    Course Map: Click here

    Same course as Week 4. You will do a short, flat out and back
    warm up before you start. It is an out and back course,
    run to 2.5km marker, turnaround and reverse the course.


Epic 5km Hil TT 2022.png

5km Time Trial Course Map
Click image to view

  • Saturday 17 August, 7.30am
    Meeting Point: Summit Road - at the top of Mt Pleasant Road. Click here
    (No toilets at this meeting point)

    There is limited parking at this location. We recommend you car pool with each other from the bottom of the hill if you can, you could park at Barnett Park (toilet facilities available here). Use our Facebook page to connect with each other. 

    Course Map: Click here
    Warm Gear! It can be very cold up on Summit Road so please have warm gear/layers with you. 



  1. Parts of this road is closed to cars but the majority is open so please be alert and expect cars and cyclists at all times.  There can be large packs of cyclists along this road.

  2. Keep to the side of the road and please don’t run in packs

  3. Some of the surfaces on this course are uneven so take care especially in the first section.

  4. Run on the OPEN side of the road at all times - NOT the HILL Side.

  5. If you choose to wear a listening device, it’s at your own risk and you must be able to hear what is going on around you. 

  6. Be alert at all times, your safety is your responsibility.

Course Description:

  1. Follow Summit Road all the way along towards Rapaki Track (do not go down Rapaki Track).

  2. Continue along Summit Road all the way until your turnaround time.

  3. Watch out for uneven surfaces on this course.

  4. Turnaround time: 45mins


Course Map:
Click on image to enlarge

This week's quick tip: 

''Recovery is so important at this stage of the programme. Listen to your bodies and get any niggles checked out asap".

- Kylie


Tips for the Long Run

Like we were saying at the top of this newsletter, this is an important time to stay focused in the programme. We thought we would share some tips on how to do this.  

  • Remind yourself of what you have done well to this point. Reflect back on last 7 weeks and identify what you have done well. Look for the positives and allow yourself to own them. 

  • Identify the challenges your see in front of you. It may be a busy time at work, cold mornings, or you are feeling tired. Have a good look towards the next 3 weeks and dig deep to find the challenges that could make you less focused and then...

  • Plan for these challenges. Once you have identified the challenges put strategies in place for you to overcome them. An example would be that if you are busy you could ask someone to support you to take some of the load off. By pre-planning what you will do to overcome your challenges there's a much higher chance that you will be successful. 

  • Think about how you will feel when you have finished the session you may be struggling to get to. If you find you have a day where you are struggling to turn up remind yourself of how you will feel when you get to the end of the session. This may give you the kick you need to get up and do it. 

  • Go to what you know about yourself. This is probably the most important tip. Think back to when you were focused in the past, what were the things that you did at those times that helped you be successful? Implement them now as you know they work. 

If you stay focused in the next 3 weeks running up those hills on race day will seem easier. We won't say easy, just easier than they would be if you lose focus. This is what being a great athlete is all about.  

Epic Half Marathon Course 2024

You will be sent all the details for race day as Week 10 gets closer.

By the end of the 10 week Epic programme you will have done the entire course in sections, on race day you just need to put it all together ;o)

Epic 2022 Course Map.png

Click on image above to enlarge

What's next after Epic?

RaceTeam Queenstown!
Our next RaceTeam starts 9 September and we are training for the Queenstown Half Marathon on Saturday 16 November. This is the last RaceTeam for 2024. 


Registrations for RaceTeam Queenstown are open now:

Extra Mile Runners Members:
If you have a 6mth or 12mth membership, this programme is included in your membership, registrations are open now:

(Please register before the start of the programme and just double check that your membership is valid for the duration of the programme). 

Winter Snow

Other News

  • We have 3 weeks to go - every single session counts!

  • Body care work is important in these last few weeks. Massage, rest, heat packs for sore bits - looking after yourselves and listening to your body is key to getting to the end of Epic in the best possible way - you are stronger both physically and mentally so focus on these last 3 weeks and let's do this! 

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