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Week 2 Newsletter

How are you going to improve?

Settle in

This week's sessions have been great we have an awesome team here! The coaches have commented on how well you are going and you are showing good character in the intensity sessions. 

Now that you are back with Club10k we know that you will be looking for different types of challenges. In this week's education we give you something to think about in this area, it's all about you going to the next level ;-)

Week 2 Sessions




Course Description:

This course is on the Coastal Pathway and is shared by cyclists. Please keep left and please don't run any more than 2 abreast. 

  • ​​From Scott Park, you follow the Coastal Pathway all the way towards Summer, turning at your turnaround marker.

  • KM markers out: 3km, 4km, 5km

Saturday's Course:
Click on image to enlarge

This week's quick tip: 

’Listen to your body, don't be afraid to stop and stretch.'
- Anna


A reminder about running at intensity

This is a good time to remind yourself about the intensity scale that you have within yourself. 

  1. When our body trains at a higher level of intensity it has a positive training effect on our physiology. With the heart and muscles working at a higher level your body has positive stresses put on it which causes it to create change to adapt. This intensity helps to deliver better results in many different areas. 

  2. When you train with intensity you are developing your mental strength. Some people think mental strength is something that you are born - it's not. Like any skill, mental strength is a learned behaviour and it is something that is developed over time through experiencing and overcoming the correct level of adversity based on your current ability. Developing this strength has many benefits but one of the best ones is that it creates a strong belief in what you can achieve. 

So while intensity is great for you and your body, here are some reminders about intensity in your programme: 

  • The track sessions are your main intensity sessions. Make this a focus.

  • Work at the right intensity. The different groups are aiming for different levels but as you have done this before, you should have an idea of what your level is. In the first couple of weeks you may go too hard or not hard enough but try to figure out quickly the level you should be working.

  • While you know the intensity sessions are more challenging you still need to achieve them. If you find you aren't - you need to back off your pace a little.

  • Try to further 'learn yourself'. In these track sessions we want to help you learn strategies that will make you successful under adversity. Each time you are feeling outside your comfort zone think of what you are doing mentally and physically to create success and then try to duplicate and evolve your success formula. Intensity has so much value to it but we can't have it scaring you off from training.


Inspiration for your body this week.  Here is a lovely gentle yoga sequence for runners that your body will thank you for - and even better, you can do it in the privacy of your own living room!

It's only 7 mins long no excuses not to get this important bodycare work in.

Other News

  • Well done for turning up this week, consistency is key if you want to improve.

  • Please make sure you read these newsletters each week.

  • Remember, prevention is better than cure - if you feel a niggle coming on make sure you chat to us at the sessions and get to a physio asap if you have soreness that you feel is serious. If you need a recommendation of physio, just ask us.

  • Remember to bring your watch to every session.

  • If you aren't on our private Facebook page yet make sure you get on there. This way you guys can keep in touch with each other, click here to request access.

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