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What you need
for Club10k

We are getting close to the beginning of our training together.
Here's a quick list of key things that you need to bring to the sessions:



Your shoes are the runner’s tool of trade. If it's been a while since you have changed your training shoes here are a couple of checks you can do to see if they will still be ok: 

  • Twist your shoes from top to bottom, they should feel firm. If they twist easily they may not have enough support.

  • If your soles are worn down it's a good sign that they need replacing.

  • If it's been years since you have bought a pair of training shoes, now is a good time to invest in a new pair.

  • If you are going to get a new pair go to Shoe Clinic to get a foot analysis done, they will then make sure you get a pair that suits your unique foot shape. Spend a few days wearing you new shoes in by wearing them around the house or any time you are going to be on your feet.

  • If you have had problems in the past or feel you need to see a podiatrist we highly recommend the team at Feet in Motion (Christchurch) and Capital Sports Medicine (Wellington). They know their stuff when it comes to all things to do with feet!

We can’t stress enough how important important this is!

Training Gear

While we hope the weather gods deliver beautiful sunny days for every session we have to be prepared for all different types of weather. Here is a list of the training gear you will need:

  • Head lamp for the dark mornings and evenings*

  • While it's ok to train in normal clothes, having some clothes that are designed for sports training will help to keep you warm and comfortable when you are running. These don't have to be expensive, just look for sports fabric and warm layers.

  • We will be training in all types of weather so a good wind breaker/training jacket will come in handy, also bright clothing - be safe be seen!

  • Beanie and gloves, sun visor - be prepared for any weather!

  • It's a good idea to have warm clothes in the car for straight after training.

* During the autumn and winter months when the mornings and evenings are dark, this is a “must have” item due to safety reasons, we need you to see - but also to be seen!

Other Items

​There are just a couple more things that you will need for training success:

  • If you have a GPS watch that can give you your pace and km splits - this will be very useful as a lot of the sessions have pace work within them.
    If you don't have a GPS watch, it isn't essential but if you can invest in one, they are a fantastic training tool.

    Harvey Norman, Rebel Sport and other sports stores have them. Also check out sites like, eBay or Amazon to buy one. Some of the well known brands are Garmin, Timex, Polar..lots of different options. You don't need top of the line, just a basic GPS that gives you km pace, time and distance.


  • Always bring a full water bottle to every session.

  • Sometimes on Saturday's the team goes for coffee so make sure you bring some money so you can catch up post-run and have a goss ;o)

That's pretty much all you'll need over the next couple months.

If you do have any questions about this feel free to get in touch!

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