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Week 2

Week 2 Session Timetable

Meeting Points, Times and Locations for this Week's Sessions

Please 'check in' with the coach when you arrive


Course Description:
Please run on the footpath at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast. There are some uneven surfaces on this course so please take care and be responsible for your own safety.


  • After your strength circuit - we start our walk/jog sets

  • Run down pathway to Lyall Bay Parade. Turn right.

  • Cross over to waterside pathway where indicated via zebra crossing.

  • Continue along Lyall Bay Parade towards Houghton Bay and then towards Island Bay until your turnaround point. 

  • KM Markers out: 2.5km for those of our team doing the "Return" level, this is on the pathway.

  • All our other runners are running to time.

  • Out and back course for all (come back in exactly the same direction).

Leone Gill Walkway Entrance Lyall Bay.png
Meeting Point Map
Click to enlarge
Week 2 Lyall Bay.png
Course Map
Click to enlarge

"You can achieve more than you think you can. Putting yourself in a situation that is challenging and an environment that is suppotive brings out the best in us"
- Extra Mile Runners Coaches

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Weekly Meeting? 

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