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Week 8

Week 8 Session Timetable

Meeting Points, Times and Locations for this Week's Sessions

Please 'check in' with the coach when you arrive







BOTH GROUPS: Final 5km Run

Course Description:
Stay on the pathway at all times, please run no more than 2 abreast. Watch out for scooters, cyclists and dogs not on leads. If you choose to wear a listening device, you must be able to hear what is going on around you. Your safety is your responsibility.


  • We will set you off on a warm up first and then we'll start you off on your 5km run at approximately 7.45am. 

  • This is an out and back run - you run to the 2.5km marker, turn around and come back the same way.

  • Start by running up the pathway towards the netball courts, turn left. 

  • Run toward the hospital and follow the pathway all the way around to your turnaround marker. 

  • KM markers out: 1km, 2km, 2.5km

  • At the 2.5km marker, turnaround and reverse the course to the finish line!

  • There will be no coaches, it will be about you doing it by yourself 

South Hagley 5km.png
Course Map:
Click to enlarge

"You can achieve more than you think you can. Putting yourself in a situation that is challenging and an environment that is suppotive brings out the best in us"
- Extra Mile Runners Coaches

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Weekly Meeting? 

Login to your Portal and watch this week's Weekly Meeting to get an overview on what to focus on this week

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