Week 6 Newsletter
Half Way!
Head for the Hills
Your Week 6 Saturday session has your first long hill run, we are starting at 7.00am.
Early on in this run there are some very steep sections. Make sure you take these nice and easy, think small steps and fast turn over. After you do the first 9km on the hill you be back down the bottom and have some flat running so when you get to this stage, continue to focus on good technique.
This run will present you will some tough moments but it will be an important part of you being successful on race day.
Run smart and you will be a step closer to rocking it at the Epic Half Marathon.
Race Nutrition
We sent you an email about Race Day Nutrition which included an interview with leading Sports Nutritionist Ien Hellemans.
This interview discusses why nutrition is so important for your performance and gives you information on the what, when, why and how much nutrition you need during your race.
We send this information to you now so you can start practicing using your nutrition on the long runs coming up in the programme so make sure you watch it, prepare, plan and practice.
Watch the video again if you need a recap:
Week 6 Sessions
Monday 29 July, 6.00am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park Netball Courts
Mystery Track Session
Wednesday 31 July, 6.00am
Meeting Point: Outside Zeroes Cafe, 81 Cashmere Road
Hill Repeats
Saturday 3 August, 7.00am *Note earlier start time*
Meeting Point: McCormacks Bay Reserve, McCormacks Bay Road
Course Map: Click here
Course Description
We are starting at 7am. You will be doing the first section of the Epic Half Marathon course. Please bring your headlamps for the start of the run as it will be dark.
Everyone is running to time: 120mins.
From McCormacks Bay, run towards Main Road and turn right.
Run up Main Road to Cave Terrace. Cross over Cave Terrace where we have indicated with cones (so you run up Cave Terrace on the footpath - LHS of the road).
Run up Cave Terrace (which leads into Monks Spur).
Continue up Monks Spur, we will cross you over onto the other side of Monks Spur - keep an eye out for our cones for the crossover point.
Continue up Monks Spur until Mt Pleasant Road - turn left and follow Mt Pleasant Rd all the way to the top, you will get to Summit Road.
*TURNAROUND at Summit Road*: Run down on the right hand side of the road.
Run back down Mt Pleasant Road all the way to the bottom of the hill.
Once at the bottom, turn right and run back around McCormacks Bay Road to the start/finish.
If you still have time on your watch, do the remaining time as an "out and back on Course 2:
Run back around McCormack’s Bay Road and back onto the Causeway. Cross over carefully into Beachville Road and continue around back onto Main Road. Be back at the finish after 120mins.

Water Station: We will have a water station at the Summit Road turnaround point (approx 5km into the course). Water will be provided at this station, please carry any nutrition you need with you.
Hill Course Map:
Click on image to enlarge
Course 2 Map:
(if you have time remaining)
Click on image to enlarge
This week's quick tip:
''Feed the machine. Not using nutrition during long runs is like going on a
road trip with no petrol or electricity!'
- Jo Eyles
Why are hills so good for my training?
You may be wondering why hill running is important for your training, here's a good way of looking at it - a weightlifter looking to improve his or her maximum bench press doesn't add lighter-weight reps to their workout, they don't do reps more quickly. Instead, they increase the weight on the bar, thereby increasing the force required to complete the reps.
It's the same with running. If we want to get stronger and faster, we must increase the force requirements of our workout. Tempo runs, time trials and fast reps on the track are good, but they don't generate maximum force. Hills do.
"Running up hills forces the knees to lift higher, one of the most desirable developments for any runner, because this governs stride speed and length, it also develops the muscle fibres, increasing power."- Arthur Lydiard
In fact, we can target all three types of muscle fibre (a "fibre" is what we call a muscle cell) with hill training: slow-twitch (Type I), intermediate fast-twitch (Type IIa) and fast-twitch (Type IIx). Slow-twitch produces the least force of the fibre types, but it works aerobically and takes a long time to fatigue, making it perfect for endurance activities. Intermediate fibres produce more force than slow-twitch, creating the long, powerful strides associated with middle-distance running. Fast-twitch fibres produce the most force of all, but they function anaerobically and are useful only for short bursts.
Basically you are developing all the different muscle fibres so you become a better runner overall ;o)

Other News
Warm Gear: Make sure you have warm gear for before, during and after your session. Stack the cards in your favour to get your sessions in. Gloves, hats and thermals are key at this time of year.
Please read these newsletters each week as they contain important information you need for the week ahead ;o)
Here is a great video explaining what good downhill running technique is so that you can protect your body and instead of just coasting down the hill, you can attack it!