Week 4 Newsletter
We are well underway
Hitting the long runs
Week 4 includes the first of your long runs, we have a big few weeks ahead of us. Depending on which programme level you are doing, these runs have different objectives - check out your programme.
You are doing well, focus on one session at a time and embrace this experience. Remember - every session counts and time will fly by, before you know it you will be at the start line of your race.

Important Note:
Over the next few weeks we have some early Saturday morning starts and longer weekday Pace sessions - all the details will be in these weekly newsletters.
Week 4 Sessions
Monday 7 February, 6.00am - Waitangi Day (Session on as normal)
Meeting on Deans Ave side of Sth Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Click here
Wednesday 9 February, 6.00am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Track Session
Tuesday 8 February, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Track Session
Thursday 10 February, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Saturday 12 February, 7.00am (Early Start)
Meeting Point: Centennial Park (Pioneer Stadium), cnr Lyttelton St & Rose St
Map of Run: Click here
Course Description
Please run on the footpath at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast and be responsible for your own safety. Follow our course.
This is an 8km out and back course with an extra “out and back” section at the end if required.
Run up Lyttelton Street to Sparks Road, Turn left. Run along Sparks Road until the pathway that runs behind Centennial Park.
Run along this pathway, coming out onto Rose Street. Cross over where we indicate with cones and turn right up to Hoonhay Road.
Run along Hoonhay Road to Cashmere Road. Turn left.
Run passed Princess Margaret hospital to the zebra crossing just past Zeroes cafe.
Cross over at the zebra crossing and run up to Hackthorne Road to the turnaround cone.
Run back down Hackthorne Rd to the zebra crossing, cross over and turn right.
Run up to Barrington St and cross over carefully and into Ernlea Reserve.
Run through Ernlea Reserve coming out onto Colombo St. TURN LEFT.
Follow our cones that will lead you onto Ashgrove Tce. Run along Ashgrove Tce to Barrington St. Turn RIGHT.
Run along to Somerfield St, turn right. The 8km marker will be on Somerfield St.
KM markers out: 1km, 2km, 6km, 7km, 8km
Turnaround at your relevant marker and reverse the course - including the Hackthorne Road section.
16km: Out and back to 8km marker (you do the hill section on the return leg too)
18km: Out and back to 8km marker (you do the hill section on the return leg too), then out and back to 1km marker
20km: Out and back to 8km marker (you do the hill section on the return leg too), then out and back to 2km marker

Saturday's Course: Click on image to enlarge
This weeks quick tip:
'Replace shoes at the first signs of wear. Get good padded socks for running. Vasaline up your feet to harden up your feet to stop getting blisters. Look after your feet especially check for calluses that may build up due to the added strain, pounding, new running shoes' - Corinna
Race Day Nutrition
Last week we sent you an email about Race Day Nutrition. In that email we include an interview with one of New Zealand's leading Sports Nutritionists, Ien Hellemans talking about why race nutrition is so important, what nutrition you need and when you need it - pre-race, during and post-race.
Also included in that email is a video about how to make your own Race Day Nutrition Plan.
With our long runs here, now is the time to create your plan so you can practice it in these longs runs so there are no nasty surprises on race day!
Make sure you check it out - having the right nutrition during your race massively improves performance.

Other News
Track Sessions: Just a reminder to please pass on the outside if you are overtaking a slower runner. We all need to be considerate of each other - even if we are stuffed!
Please make sure you "check in" at each session and on Saturday's please sign in on the table - so we know who is at the sessions.
Keep up the good work team. You are working hard in the key sessions - you are building strength and we can see the progress.
Remember the mantra - Consistency is Key.
Be kind to yourselves, your bodies are being tested - look after it with massage, baths and stretching.