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Week 6 Newsletter

Time to stay focussed, we are so close!

The goal is in sight!

You are all doing so well, you are well over half way and the end goal is in sight.

The next 2 weeks are the most challenging part of the programme so now is the time to focus. You have learnt a lot in the last 5 weeks, try to apply the lessons you have learnt and finish the second half strong. 

How do you keep yourself on track? Are you pushing too hard to the point where it feels unachievable? If so, ease up a little.

We also know that the programme takes a big step up over the next couple of weeks. Keep it up as we work through to the end.

Your weekly meeting

Watch your Week 6 meeting now:

Week 6 Sessions


  • Monday 2 October, 6.00am
    Meeting Point: Waitangi Park Playground

    Map of Meeting Point: Click here


  • Wednesday 4 October, 6.00am
    Meeting Point: Waitangi Park Playground

    Map of Meeting Point: Click here


  • Saturday 7 October, 7.30am
    Meeting Point: Cog Park, Evans Bay Parade
    Map of Run: Click here

    This map is for all of our running groups, you will be doing a portion of this course.


Course Description:
Please run on the path at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast and be responsible for your own safety.


  • From Cog Park, run around towards Oriental Parade until your turnaround point. 

  • Reverse the course back to the start.

  • Everyone running to time. Turnaround at half way on your watch.

Week 6 Cog Park.png

Saturday's Course: Click on image to enlarge


Next Programmes:
Start 23 October

Our last teams for 2023!

Our next teams start the week following your final run, we would love to see you back and keep the habit of your running up!

Earlybird rates are available until:
11.59pm, Monday 16 October

Registrations close 5pm, Sunday 22 October

Register Now:

This week's quick tip: 

'Persevere with the programme, it works' 
– Dianne



Coach Bevan has a podcast called Fitness Behaviour which attracts listeners from all over the world. In one of the shows he addresses how what we focus on can have a huge influence on whether a fitness experience will be positive or negative. Within in the show he introduces some tools to help people put their focus on the direction that they want to be heading towards. 

The show runs for around 40mins, the key content starts around 5mins into the show.

Where is your FocusBevan Eyles


Rick and Dick Hoyt are an amazing father and son combination overcoming adversity is something they seemed to have mastered.

Other News

  • If you find you need some support from us - GET IN TOUCH! We want to see you at the finish line so please talk to us if you are finding it difficult to get to sessions.

  • You are doing so well - the way you are supporting each other is awesome to see. Keep it up team!

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