Week 4 Newsletter
Big week ahead
Time is flying
2 weeks to go team! You are learning how to overcome the tough challenges, you may not nail them 100% of the time but that's ok, just remind yourself that it's a work in progress.
Keep up the work and you'll keep progressing, remember that consistency is the key here.

Programme Change: Circuit Change
For these last 2 weeks we move to a 5min strength warm up at the start of each session. Our coach will lead you through this. You do not need your mats.
This week's Facebook question
Week 4 Sessions
Monday 17 August, 6.10am
Meeting Point: North Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Armagh St Bridge
Wednesday 19 August, 6.10am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Tuesday 18 August, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Thursday 20 August, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: North Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Armagh St Bridge
Saturday 22 August, 7.30am
Meeting Point: Scott Park, Ferrymead: Click here
Map of Run: Click here
This map is for all of our running groups, you will be doing a portion of this course.
Course Description:
Please run on the path at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast and be responsible for your own safety.
After your 5min strength warm up, we start your walk/jog sets.
From Scott Park, follow the Coastal Pathway all the way towards Sumner following the waterside path the entire way.
Tunraround at your turnaround time - for those of you doing the Return programme there will be a 4km marker out for you. Check out the map below for it's location.
Saturday's Course: Click on image to enlarge
This weeks quick tip:
'Do it in your own time, so long as you keep pushing yourself. Don’t try to keep up with the group if you can’t.' – Emily Murray
A challenge for your mind
When Bevan was studying, he had a tutor who was fascinated with how most athletes spend so much time developing their physical but little time on their mental ability. The number he threw out there was that the majority of athletes will spend 90% on the physical and only 10% on the mental.
So the question is:
If you dedicated more time in your training routine to your mental development – would you perform better even if this meant taking time away from your physical training time?
While I think the answer may become obvious fairly quickly, we thought we would set a challenge for you to see the effect it will have on your training.
Here’s your challenge, for the next 7 days of training apply this mental prep technique:
Before you start your training session devote 5-10mins where you can focus without distraction, this could be in the car before you go to the session or before you leave home.
Think about what exercises you are going to do in the next session and what the objective of the session is.
Identify when the most challenging moments will be and predetermine what you will do at these times. You can do some visualisation and also think of words that you can use to get you through those times.
Think about the benefits, either mental or physical, you will get when you have taken the actions that you have predetermined.
Once you have tried this for 7 days assess if adding this process has helped you reach a higher level in your training. If you find it does then you could include this as a key part of your exercise routine and watch the results come as you are learning more about how you work successfully.
Next Programmes
Get up to Five
Our next Get up to Five programme is back to our 8 week schedule and is our spring team!
Start Date: Week beginning Monday 31 August
Earlybird registration is available until 11.59pm, Monday 24 August
Extra Mile Runners Members: This is included in your membership as long as your membership is valid for the duration of the programme, you can register below!
Our next Club10k programme is back to our 8 week schedule and is our spring team!
Start Date: Week beginning Monday 31 August
Earlybird registration is available until 11.59pm, Monday 24 August
Extra Mile Runners Members: This is included in your membership as long as your membership is valid for the duration of the programme, you can register below!

Other News
Just a reminder about our Saturday sessions, we are running on open roads so please stay on the footpaths at all times and stick to the road rules 100%.
We love the support you are showing each other - keep it up.