Week 2
Week 2 Session Timetable
Meeting Points, Times and Locations for this Week's Sessions
Please 'check in' with the coach when you arrive
Monday 27 January, 6.00am
Meeting Point: Armagh Street Bridge, North Hagley Park
Wednesday 29 January, 6.00am
Meeting Point: Deans Ave side of South Hagley Park (opp. hospital shuttle and carpark)
Tuesday 28 January, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: Netball Courts, South Hagley Park (hospital end of courts)
Thursday 30 January, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: Armagh Street Bridge, North Hagley Park
Saturday 1 February, 7.30am
Meeting Point: Scott Park, Mt Pleasant
Course Map: Click here
Course Description:
You are running on the Coastal Pathway at this session. Please keep to the left and be mindful of cyclists and others using the pathway. Please don't run more than 2 abreast. Watch out for overgrown plants on the path - they are a tripping hazard!! Please be responsible for your own safety.
After your coach-lead strength circuit...
From Scott Park, you follow the Coastal Pathway all the way towards Summer, turning at your half way marker or turnaround time.
For those of you doing the 'Return' programme, your 2.5km marker will be out there for you!