Week 5 Newsletter
Half Way! Reflect and Refocus
Look how far you have come!
You are half way though the programme, it's time to pat yourself on the back for reaching this point and to reflect on what you have learnt and achieved in the past 4 weeks.
Take time to think about how far you have come, has your decision making changed around exercise since beginning the programme? Is it getting easier to get out the door to do your sessions? Are you starting to feel a little fitter? Are you finding that training in a group is making this challenge a little bit more fun?
Your answer's may not all be resounding "yes'es" but we know that you will be starting to feel some benefits of what we are doing here. Keep up the routine, keep ticking off those sessions as we start working on the second half of the programme. You guys rock!
Your weekly meeting
Watch your Week 5 meeting now:
Week 5 Sessions
Monday 25 September, 6.00am
Meeting Point: Armagh St Bridge, North Hagley Park
Wednesday 27 September, 6.00am
Meeting Point: Deans Ave side of South Hagley Park, opposite hospital shuttle and carpark
Tuesday 26 September, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: Netball Courts, South Hagley Park
Thursday 28 September, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: Armagh St Bridge, North Hagley Park
Saturday 30 September, 7.30am
Meeting Point: Cashmere Road, opposite Crichton Tce
Map of Run: Click here
This map is for all of our running groups, you will be doing a portion of this course.
Course Description:
Please run on the path at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast and be responsible for your own safety.
Run towards Princess Margaret Hospital. Continue along past the Cashmere Road shops until Hoonhay Road. Turn right.
Run up Hoonhay Road to Rose Street, Turn right.
Run up Rose St to Barrington St. Turn right.
Run up Barrington Street.
Return programme (7km): The 3.5km marker will be on Barrington St.
All other programme levels are running to time, turnaround at half way!
Saturday's Course:
Click on image to enlarge
At the end of this weekend you will have hit the halfway point in the programme and while there is still a big part of the journey in front of us, now is a good time to stop, refocus and think about what you have done well.
Here are a few quick tips to make sure you finish the second half of Get up to Five strong:
1. Stick to the programme
If you are struggling to find motivation to do a session, just try to get out the door with the view of doing a short session. Most of the time, once you have your shoes on and get going you will find the motivation to do the session. The hardest part is getting out the door.
2. Easy does it
Remember that you need to succeed in every session, so if you feel it is getting too tough, ease up. Using the question 'I'm I working at 6/10?' will help you stay focused on this.
3. Look after your body
We sound like a broken record - but stretch after every session and get little niggles seen to by a physio. A few of you mentioned you have really tight calves, below is a good video clip that goes through effective calf stretching that you can do at home.
4. Congratulate yourself
Because each week the programme keeps building we can forget how far we have come. This time 4 weeks ago you may have been fearful of the distances that you now find easy. Take some time to reflect on how much you have progressed, try to be specific here, you are doing an amazing job, you deserve to give yourself some praise and reward (shout yourself a massage!).
5. Refocus
Take some time to think about any areas you could refocus on. You may have found that you are letting some bad habits creep in. By identifying these you can create a plan that will get you charging with 100% focus.
As a group you are really impressing us with your attitude, commitment and the progress you are all making. By spending a bit of time to see how well you have done to this point you will be ready to face the last 4 weeks and finish this strong!
Calf Stretches:

Other News
If you would like to help your body out, get a sports massage for those tight muscles. We recommend the team at Body Central.
Remember it's time to stay focused and keep turning up!
Please be at the sessions on time and check in with the coach taking the roll call.
New Zealand has had some legendary runners over the years. One of our most amazing performers was Peter Snell. Watch this clip to see some of his amazing accomplishments