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Week 2 Newsletter

How are you going to improve?


This week's sessions have been great, it is so good seeing you back. We all know the key to improvement is getting to the group consistently so how do you make that happen?

Communicating your training with your world so the people around you can help support you with getting to the sessions. 

​Planning your week so you can fit your training in around your work and/or family commitments is key - as is having warm gear at the ready if needed!

This week's Facebook question

Week 2 Sessions


  • Monday 3 August, 6.10am
    Meeting Point: Waitangi Park Playground 

    Map of Meeting Point: Click here


  • Wednesday 5 August, 6.10am
    Meeting Point: Waitangi Park Playground 

    Map of Meeting Point: Click here

  • Saturday 8 August, 7.30am
    Meeting Point: Cog Park, Evans Bay Parade, click here
    Map of Run: Click here


Course Description:
All roads are open, please stick to the road rules 100%. Your safety is your own responsibility.


  1. Start on the footpath outside Cog Park.

  2. Turn right and follow Evans Bay Parade towards Oriental Parade.

  3. Please keep left on the footpath and be mindful of other users using the pathway.

  4. At your turnaround point, turnaround and come back in exactly the same direction.

Beginner doing 4km, walk 5mins x 2
Run to the 4km marker, walk 2.5mins, turn around walk 2.5mins and then run back to start/finish at Cog Park.

Intermediate doing 10km:
Run to 2km marker, turnaround run back to start. Use this as your warm up. 
Then run out and back to 3km marker on the same course. 

Club10k Advanced doing 12km:
Run to 2km marker, turnaround run back to start. Use this as your warm up.
Then run out and back to 4km marker on the same course. 

Club10k WLG Week 5.jpg

Saturday's Course: Click on image to enlarge

This weeks quick tip: 

'There will be days that you have every excuse under the sun not to go to a session. These are the very sessions that you absolutely HAVE to go to as these are the ones that give you the best sense of achievement.' – Pam Thomas



Cadence, or your turnover rate is how many steps you take when you run. Cadence has a massive effect on your efficiency and is something we want you to focus on in the coming weeks. 

The shorter your stride length and the quicker your stride rate, the faster and better you run. If you have a low cadence, you likely also have a long stride. Runners who overstride tend to lock their knees and slam their heels to the ground on every step. This slows you down, creates a choppy, bouncy gait, and puts extra pressure on muscles and bones, making you more susceptible to injury.

By increasing your cadence, you’re doing more than moving your feet faster; you’re changing the positioning of where your foot lands. Rather than having your foot land in front of your hips, with a higher cadence, it lands underneath you – in your centre of gravity. This naturally decreases your stride length and increases your turnover, which means you’re wasting less energy moving up and down (from the ground to the air and vice versa). Rather, your body is focused on moving forward, making you faster.

The optimum cadence is 180 steps per minute. This is quite quick! Have a listen to this metronome that is set at 180 beats per minute:

Your Task:
This week, time yourself running for 1 minute and count the number of steps you take (or count for 30secs and then double it!). You then have your current cadence. 

If you are sitting around the 140-160 steps per minute range you want to start to focus on take more steps and shortening your stride length. A good way to practice this is to download a playlist that has a beat per minute rate of around +10 above your current cadence (ie: if you are sitting ant 150, download a playlist with a 160bpm) and try running in time to that beat.

Runners of all abilities, from beginner to advanced, can benefit from working on their cadence. While adjusting your stride might feel a little awkward and unnatural at first, if you stick with it, you’ll be on your way to becoming a faster runner and reduce your risk of injury.  


This is a speech from Al Pacino in the movie Any Given Sunday to watch when you are struggling to put your running shoes on and get out the door! 

Other News

  • Stay focused and turn up ;-).

  • Please stick to our programme and courses 100% of the time.

  • Make sure you are at the session in time for roll call and briefings.

  • Keep up your great work - you are doing so well!

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