Week 5 Newsletter
Final Week
Finish Line Ahead!
Well, those last 4 weeks went quickly! With September on the horizon and the last quarter of 2020 in sight, you have to be proud of yourself for what you have achieved over the last 4 weeks with the team.
Let yourself feel good about this and start to feel excited about what lies ahead for you and your running.
You still have a job to do. There is 1 week left in this programme so make the most of the group and use the team for motivation to keep you on track.
This week's Facebook question
Week 5 Sessions
Monday 24 August, 6.10am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Wednesday 26 August, 6.10am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Tuesday 25 August, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Thursday 27 August, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Saturday 29 August, 7.30am*
Meeting Point: McCormacks Bay Reserve, McCormacks Bay Road
Map of Run: Click here
FINAL 10km!!
Course Description:
Please run on the footpath at all times and keep left. Please cross over roads where we indicate with cones.
Follow the BLUE markers.
It is an out and back run - you run to the 2.5km marker, turn around and come back the same way. You do 2 x laps of this course. See map below.
There will be no coaches, it will be about you doing it by yourself.
*Note: If you feel the run is going to take you longer than 1 hour 15mins we are going to start you off at 7am. Please only do this if you are going to take more than 1hour 15mins.
Final 10km Course: Click on image to enlarge
This weeks quick tip:
'There will be days that you have every excuse under the sun not to go to a session. These are the very sessions that you absolutely HAVE to go to as these are the ones that give you the best sense of achievement.' – Pam Thomas
Stretching is a waste of time if not done correctly
Tight calves are a common ailment for our runners and can lead to several injuries. We hear it so often, but what can you do to reduce the risk of injury caused by tight calves? Below is a quick clip showing great stretches - which if done correctly will make your run more enjoyable.
Next Programmes
Our next Club10k team starts: 31 August - our spring team!
8 week programme
Final Run: Saturday 24 October
Earlybird closes 11.59pm, Thursday 27 August
RaceTeam Queenstown
Our next RaceTeam starts: 14 September
Training for the Queenstown Half Marathon, Saturday 21 November
Earlybird closes 11.59pm, Monday 7 September
Extra Mile Runners Members
Group programmes are included in your 6mth or 12mth membership.
(Please register before the start of the programme and just double check that your membership is valid for the duration of the programme)

Other News
If you would like to help your body out, get a sports massage for those tight muscles. We recommend the team at Active Health. They know our programmes and are the same team who do the Muscle Balance Tests.
You are just about there, but keep turning up!