Week 1 Newsletter
Welcome Back
Here we go!
We have a great 5 weeks ahead of us as we work through the remaining weeks of winter. The days will start to get longer and blossoms will start to appear - we are heading into a good time of year!
We love that you are back with the team, let's have great consistency within the group, this is your time, use the sessions and support around you to make the most of the next 5 weeks.
For those of you joining us after a time away from the team - it's great to see you back! We want to help nurture your running routine and get you back into the Extra Mile Runners groove.
For those of you who are continuing on from our last group - we want to see you take a step up, you have a great running base - now it's time to develop that further and find that next challenge.
Welcome to the next level and your Week 1 newsletter, remember to read these each week as they include important infomation that you need as we progress through this journey together.
Week 1 Sessions
Monday 27 July, 6.10am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Wednesday 29 July, 6.10am
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Tuesday 28 July, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Thursday 30 July, 5.40pm
Meeting Point: South Hagley Park
Map of Meeting Point: Netball Courts
Saturday 1 August, 7.30am
Meeting Point: Opposite Zeroes Cafe, 81 Cashmere Road
Map of Run: Click here​
Course Description:
Please run on the path at all times and keep left. Please don't run any more than 2 abreast and be responsible for your own safety.
Starting opposite Zeroes Cafe run towards Princess Margaret Hospital. Continue along past the Cashmere Road shops until Hoonhay Road. Turn Right.
Run up Hoonhay Road to Rose Street, Turn Right.
Run up Rose St towards Barrington St. Turn Right.
Run up Barrington Street (towards the hills) and at Ashgrove Terrace - TURN RIGHT.
Continue along Ashgrove Terrace, following the river all the way until Ferniehurst Street. TURN RIGHT
The 5km marker is on Ferniehurst St
KM Makers out: 3.5km, 5km. Turnaround at your half way marker and reverse the course.
Saturday's Course: Click on image to enlarge
This weeks quick tip:
'There will be days that you have every excuse under the sun not to go to a session. These are the very sessions that you absolutely HAVE to go to as these are the ones that give you the best sense of achievement.'
– Pam Thomas
Download your programme

There are 3 different programme levels to choose from: Beginner, Advanced and Return.
Choose a level that feels right for you at your current ability. We don't mind if you change levels after the first couple of sessions if you feel it is too comfortable or too challenging the key is to work at a level that is challenging you a bit but so you are achieving at every session.
If, however you are coming back from an injury or have been away from running for a while, choose a level that feels safe and achievable for you right now.
We recommend you print your programme off and put on your fridge so you can give yourself a tick each day you complete your training.
Reminders on how the sessions work
Roll Calls and On Time Starts
You know we always start on time, we don't wait!
When you arrive at the session please "check in" with the coach taking the session roll call.
It's important you do this at every session.
Bring a watch
You will need a watch with a stopwatch function as some of your runs are based on time, if you have a GPS watch these are a great tool to keep you wise to your paces. For the weekday sessions our coaches call out your times for you.
Bring a headlamp
It's dark in the mornings and the evenings so please bring a headlamp with you to each session for safety purposes - so you can see but also so you can be seen by others in the park (scooters, cyclists in particular!).
Keys & Gear
We will look after your car keys at each session any other gear is your own responsibility.
Session Outline
There are 3 group sessions each week. When you registered you nominated whether you will be doing morning or evening sessions. Below is a description of each of the group sessions.
Track Session
Evening Group: Tuesday evening 5.40pm
Morning Group: Wednesday morning 6.10am
Location: Netball Courts, South Hagley Park
The track session is your interval training. Before your Track Session our coach will take you through a 10min strength warm up. These movements are aimed at strengthening the areas we use for running and recruit (and "wake up") the correct muscle groups.
Please refer to your programme for the track session intervals, you don't need to remember them as the coach will direct you at the session but it is a good idea to be familiar with the session before you begin.
Strength/Repeat Session
Evening Group: Thursday evening 5.40pm
Morning Group: Monday morning 6.10am
Location: Netball Courts, South Hagley Park
Our coach will guide you through this session. The session has a combination of strength and interval based running and has been designed to improve your strength and aerobic fitness.
You will start with a 3min warm up followed by the circuit/run sets. The sets are short and sharp so timing is crucial and quick transitions. On the run sets (refer to your programme), the aim is to get further along the course each time in these sets.
Endurance Session
Saturday morning 7.30am
Location: Various
This is your long run session. You will see on your programme that the distances increase each week until we get to the longest run in Week 4. Refer to your programme and weekly newsletters for each week's session.

Other News
We are looking forward to helping you progress over the coming weeks.
Bring a headlamp with you - it is so dark now, this is a must-have.